Big Bear Sanitary Landfill, Final Closure

CM Services for 79-Acre Landfill with Alternative Evapotranspirative Cover

Location:San Bernardino County, California
Client(s):County of San Bernardino, SWMD
Key Personnel:Michael Raub, Kris Khilnani, Mark Huggard, Mark Shafiyoon
Completion Date:2011

     Closure of 79-acre landfill with 5-foot-thick monolithic cover on slopes and geomembrane/soil cover on top deck, benches and access road

     State-of-the-art management information systems

     Earthworks involving construction of 170,000 cu. yds. of cover material

     CQA for drainage structures, AC pavement, fencing, interim landfill gas header and horizontal collectors and LFG migration monitoring probes

     Coordination with regulatory agencies and A/E firms