Taft Sanitary Landfill – The Taft Landfill is a Class III waste disposal facility located in western Kern County approximately four miles northeast of the City of Taft. The landfill is located on a 161.7-acre property, of which 100 acres are permitted for landfill activities. The permitted waste disposal footprint is 85 acres within the 100-acre landfill area.
Mojave-Rosamond and Shafter-Wasco Sanitary Landfills – The 1,688-acre Mojave-Rosamond is a Class III Landfill located in the southeast part of Kern County, approximately 5 miles south of the town of Mojave and has a permitted disposal footprint of approximately 544 acres. The Class III Shafter-Wasco Landfill, located about eight miles west of the city of Shafter, has a permitted landfill boundary of approximately 357 acres, of which about 135 acres are designated as the permitted disposal area.
AES completed the design and bid documents for Taft Landfill expansion and is currently working on design of Mojave-Rosamond and Shafter-Wasco Landfill expansions.
Taft Sanitary Landfill – AES provided engineering design for the proposed Module 3A expansion including 8.8 acres of composite liner. The expansion included approximately 420,000 cu. yds. of earthwork; construction of composite liner including geosynthetics and leachate collection and removal system (LCRS) and sump pump; operations layer; electrical power supply; and miscellaneous site improvements. Our scope included:
Mojave-Rosamond and Shafter-Wasco Sanitary Landfills – Based on Kern County’s positive experience with AES’ responsive performance on delivery of Taft Sanitary Landfill design and bid documents, the County awarded these two design projects to AES. The scope of work for these design contracts is identical to the Taft Sanitary Landfill and also includes design of entrance facilities, including scales, access roads, and other infrastructure