Calabasas Landfill, SE Cut Area

Geologic Assessment and Geotechnical Testing for the Southeastern Cut Area

Location:Los Angeles County, California
Client(s):County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Key Personnel:Suji Somasundaram, Grant Miller, Kris Khilnani
Completion Date:2002

     25 exploratory borings up to 540 feet deep totaling 4,700 linear feet using continuous HQ and NQ coring, hollow stem auger, bucket auger and rotary wash drilling methods

     Development of 16 detailed geologic cross-sections

     Laboratory test program including shear strength by triaxial and direct shear, unsaturated hydraulic characteristics, compressibility and moduli/Poisson’s ratio

     Seismic stability/deformation analysis of fill slopes (2-D and 3-D); liquefaction and settlement potential of alluvium

     Geotechnical input to preparation of TDR