
Our clients include public agencies, corporations, engineering companies and law firms. A representative list of clients is provided below:

Public Sector

LA County Sanitation Districts Whittier, CA
OC Waste & Recycling Santa Ana, CA
San Bernardino Co. Solid Waste Management Division San Bernardino, CA
Riverside Co. Waste Management Dept. Moreno Valley, CA
Kern County Waste Management Dept. Bakersfield, CA
Inland Empire Utilities Agency Chino, CA
Long Beach Water Department Long Beach, CA
OC Public Works Santa Ana, CA
City of Bakersfield Bakersfield, CA
Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Orange County, CA
City of Long Beach Redevelopment Agency Long Beach, CA
Army National Guard Camp Roberts, CA
Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Los Angeles, CA
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority San Diego, CA
City of Long Beach Long Beach, CA

Private Sector

New Cure Inc. (OII Superfund Site) Monterey Park, CA
Hunt Ortmann Pasadena, CA
Simplus Management Corporation Los Alamitos, CA
Aquarium of the Pacific Long Beach, CA
Dongell, Lawrence, Finney LLP Los Angeles, CA
Jacobs San Diego, CA
Parsons Infrastructure Group Orange County, CA
Tetratech Orange County, CA
Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects Los Angeles, CA
Fugro Ventura, CA
Avocet Environmental Irvine, CA
Skanska USA Los Angeles, CA
TRC Irvine, CA
Project Navigator Fullerton, CA
Otay River Constructors San Diego, CA
LSA Assoicates Orange County, CA
Shea Homes Orange County, CA
Developers Diversified Resources San Diego, CA
Shaw Environmental San Diego, CA
Iris Environmental Irvine, CA