Project details


San Jose Creek, Valencia, and Saugus Water Reclamation Plants


San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant – The San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant (SJCWRP) is the Sanitation Districts’ largest reclamation plant and consists of two hydraulically interconnected facilities. It currently provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for a design capacity of 100 million gallons of wastewater per day (MGD).

Valencia and Saugus Water Reclamation Plants – The Valencia Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) currently provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for a design capacity of 21.6 million gallons of wastewater per day (MGD). The Saugus WRP currently provides primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for a design capacity of 6.5 million gallons of wastewater per day (MGD).


Los Angeles County

Owner / Client:

Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts

Performance Period:



  • Wastewater Treatment Plants

Scope of Services Provided by AES

San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant – AES conducted a geotechnical investigation for the proposed below-ground Flow Equalization (FE) Facilities – Phase I at the SJCWRP. An 8-million-gallon (MG) Flow Equalization Tank comprised of two 4 MG concrete compartments were founded approximately 41 to 53 feet below ground surface and occupy an approximate footprint of 100 feet x 345 feet. AES performed a subsurface exploration program consisting of hollow-stem auger boreholes and cone penetration tests (CPTs) and installing piezometers. The field and laboratory data were analyzed to develop the site stratigraphy, evaluate liquefaction potential and seismic deformation, and provide geotechnical recommendations for site preparation, shoring and foundation design. The Geotechnical Investigation Report by AES included: seismic exposure and liquefaction potential, expansion and corrosion study, lateral earth pressures, foundation recommendations including mat foundation, micropiles, and driven piles, and recommendations for temporary excavations, buried pipes, pavement, dewatering and surface drainage.

Our CQA services included review of Contractor’s shoring design submittals for the 60-foot-deep excavation; monitoring and load testing of 116 helical anchors; performance and proof testing of 230 tie-back anchors; monitoring and performance and proof testing of 440 tie-down anchors; and monitoring and testing of earthwork including subgrade preparation and structural backfill.

Valencia and Saugus Water Reclamation Plants – AES provided CQA services for construction of a 600-foot long Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall, including rough grading of the future treatment facilities expansion area to create a level building pad, and construction of storm water collection facilities. The improvements also consisted of installation of a total of 265 cement deep soil mixing (CDSM) columns, each 8 feet in diameter and extending to a depth between 29 and 61 feet, and 65 permanent soil anchors, each 70 feet long.

AES also provided CQA observations for UV Disinfection and Advanced Water Treatment Facilities (AWTF) at both the Valencia and Saugus WRPs including field and laboratory testing for foundation subgrades for below ground structures and tanks, engineered fill placement, trench backfill, numerous pipelines, and aggregate base. Geotechnical services for Power Distribution System Modifications included site reconnaissance, subsurface explorations, laboratory testing, and preparation of report. We also provided as-needed geotechnical support and CQA services during AWTF retaining wall extension project involving earthwork to develop a 3-acre expansion; 265 cement deep-soil mixing columns up to 61 feet deep; 600-foot long and up to 16-foot high MSE wall; 65 soil anchors; and base and AC pavement.