Project details


Mesquite Regional Landfill – CQA Services for Cell 1 Composite Liner System


Los Angeles County

Owner / Client:

Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts

Performance Period:



  • Solid Waste Engineering
    • Construction Quality Assurance (CQA)

Scope of Services Provided by AES

CQA Services – AES provided CQA services for 7-acre Cell 1 liner, the first phase of the landfill that occupies 2,290 acres. Services included geologic mapping, observation and documentation of LFG probe and vent installation, and geotechnical observations and testing for earthworks and 1.6 million sq. ft. of geosynthetics. The geosynthetics CQA activities included 1.6 million sq. ft. of geosynthetics, including high density polyethylene (HDPE), geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), and geotextiles. The scope included:

  • Review of MQC data to verify compliance with specifications
  • Selection and in-plant sampling of geosynthetics materials for conformance tests and review of conformance test results
  • Monitoring and inventorying geosynthetics materials deliveries including unloading, handling, and storage
  • Observation and field seam testing during deployment, seaming, and non-destructive and destructive testing of seams
  • Observation during leak location surveys performed at two stages: (i) after installation of the primary HDPE liner, and (ii) after completion of the composite liner installation including the operations layer
  • Documentation of field and laboratory testing results for preparation of as-built reports for regulatory agencies review.

LCRS Gravel Screening – Continuous inspection and testing during on-site screening of alluvium materials to produce approximately 15,000 cu. yds. of LCRS gravel and 12,000 cu. yds. of foundation layer material.

LFG Monitoring Probes and Gas Wells – Installation of 12 dual-level perimeter gas monitoring probes, including documentation of the depths of perforated casing, gravel and seal intervals. An as-built report of the installation was prepared for submittal to the regulatory agencies.

AES also documented installation of 7 vadose gas wells, 50-foot deep, installed in cell floor prior to liner system installation.

Accomplishments / Commendations

AES completed the project and secure expedited approval for refuse disposal from the regulatory agencies. This timely completion on schedule brought these comments from the client:

“In AES we Trust! ….Thank you so much for coming through for us.”