April Zhang has 5 years of experience in geotechnical, geological, engineering design, and construction services for major solid waste and public works projects. She has provided engineering support, slope stability analysis, engineering calculations, field and laboratory data compilation, and CQA document control for Casmalia Superfund Site CDA Cap construction, FRB Landfill composite liner projects for OC Waste & Recycling, Area 6 liner construction at North County Landfill for San Joaquin County Department of Public Works, and geotechnical investigation for Unit 2, Phase 5 expansion at San Timoteo Sanitary Landfill for County of San Bernardino.
Senior Staff Engineer during construction of 25-acre CDA Cap designed to tie into the existing landfill caps and completely cover the area extending from the downslope end of the four previously capped landfills to the southern (downgradient) side of the access roadway. The project included grading of approximately 275,000 cy of engineered foundation fill, 40,000 cy of cut, and 85,000 cy of vegetative cover soil. The scope of CQA services included review of submittals, review of MQC data, conformance testing, field CQA observations and testing, and preparation of a Construction Certification Report for submittal to EPA.
Senior Staff Engineer for Area 6 cell expansion involving 11 acres of liner expansion involving floor and side slope liner. The scope included approximately 134,000 cu. yds. of earthwork; testing of 1-foot-thick foundation layer on floor and 6-inch-thick subgrade preparation layer on side slope; monitoring and testing of 1.7 million sq. ft. of geosynthetics including HDPE geomembrane, GCL, geocomposite and geotextile; monitoring of LCRS construction; protective soil cover installation; gas collection pipe and lysimeter installation; perimeter berms and access roads construction and miscellaneous drainage improvements.
Senior Staff Engineer for geotechnical investigations for Unit 2, Phase 5 expansion. Scope included geotechnical input for cell expansion design including static and seismic slope stability evaluations and preparation of a Technical Memorandum with recommendations for design and geotechnical input for Unit 1 slopes final cover/closure design including characterization of in-place cover, water balance modeling, borrow source characterization, and preparation of a Technical Memorandum summarizing modeling results and providing design recommendations.